Hey guys ,
i have got that error:
[string "?"]:33: attempt to index local ´text´ (a number value)
what does that mean ?
Here is my code:
blue = Color.new(56,172,236) itemlist = 0 startbox = Image.load("startbox.png") selector = Image.load("selector.png") talk = Image.load("talkbox.png") s = 1 statpg = 0 schrift = Font.load("trebuc.ttf") schrift:setPixelSizes(0,12) selectory = 15 oldpad = Controls.read() while s ==1 do pad = Controls.read() screen:blit(375,0,startbox) screen:blit(380,selectory,selector) screen:fontPrint(schrift,398, 23, start1, blue) screen:fontPrint(schrift,398,43, start2, blue) screen:fontPrint(schrift,398,63, start3, blue) screen:fontPrint(schrift,398,83, start4, blue) if pad:down() and oldpad:down() ~=pad:down() and selectory < 75 then screen.waitVblankStart(10) selectory = selectory + 20 end if pad:up() and oldpad:up() ~= pad:up() and selectory > 15 then screen.waitVblankStart(10) selectory = selectory -20 end if pad:start() and oldpad:start() ~=pad:start() then s = 0 end if pad:cross() and oldpad:cross() ~= pad:cross() then if selectory == 35 then itemlist = 1 elseif selectory == 75 then s = 0 elseif selectory == 15 then statpg =1 elseif selectory == 55 then screen:blit(0,0, talk) screen:fontPrint(schrift,101,190, start5, blue) screen:blit(0,0, talk) screen.waitVblankStart(10) screen:fontPrint(schrift,101, 190, start6, blue) if pad:cross() and oldpad:cross() ~= pad:cross() then s = 0 end end end screen.waitVblankStart() screen.flip() oldpad = pad screen:print(0,0, selectory) end
How do i fix that error ?
And start1-6 were defined in a script before this one...
sry for my bad english ..
There are many other Files which one should i post?
The one were i defined the start1-6 ?
And i speak german ...
And i want to make an Menu which appears when you press START in my GAME ...
But with those images and options ...
i fixed it thanks for your support !!!
Mmm... What language you speak?
I think the issue is in the other file. Can you put the other file here?
Greetings ^-^.
So I recommend you to start programming in LuaDEV, it's more easy, about this code I say that "conditions" (generally) must be ended before the final end, also would be advisable tell us intentions of the code.
Greetings ;)Dicen que soy programador... Eso dicen.