[RELEASE] 6.XX Installer

Well, because I was a lil' bit bored of all the questions how to install this and this, so I coded a Installer for a bunch of 6.XX Tools/HENs and LCFWs ;).

Here's the README:
6.XX Installer coded by flofrucht.
initial release
What is this o_O?:
A simple 6.xx installer, with this tool you're able to install a bunch of 6.xx tools/hens/cfws.
I'll add plugins later ;=).
How to use?:
Lol, are you kdding?
Launch the .exe and connect your PSP to your PC.
Yeah, here are the credits:
*Davee for the 6.35/6.31 -> 6.20 Downgrader
*jasnuk for PSPident
*YOTI for the new PSPident updates
*wololo, m0skito and many more for HBL
*Coldbird and VFlame for the 6.3X HENs
*Total_Noob for the 6.20 HEN
*Sony for the version.txt and 500 isofs.prx ;D
*KaZT.U for the RecMenu 0.2
*liquidzigong aka hirmfaxi aka VFlame for the Prometheus ISO Loader
*J416 for the PSP Module Checker
*the entire PSP scene
Support Board -> http://www.pspcfw.de
Blog1 -> flofrucht-dev.blogspot.com
Blog2 (down ;D) -> flofrucht.dyndns.org
Bye bye, wait for the next update!!!!

*possibility to install 6.31 HEN signed
*possibility to install install 6.35 HEN signed
*possibility to install 6.36 HEN Alpha v3 signed
*possibility to install 6.20 TN-D
*possibility to install 6.35 PRO-B3 and FastRecovery
*possibility to install PSPident 0.73.2
*possibility to install PSP Module Checker v1.0
*possibility to install Prometheus ISO Loader with 500 isofs.prx
*possibility to install HBL r115
*possibility to install 635/631 -> 620 Downgrader
*possibility to install 5.00 version.txt for downgrading
*possibility to install Recovery Menu 0.2

Don't forget -> you need the Firmware EBOOTs for downgrading!

Download -> http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pb6mv5y07guptom
Official release thread -> http://www.pspcfw.de/viewthread.php?tid=981
Twitter for updates -> http://www.twitter.com/flofrucht

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Imagen de Epicus

.. :3 ..

[via google traductor]Indeciso...thank you for this installer,..lacking screenshots..Risa

Works on PSP Go! 6.37? o.O

Works on PSP Go! 6.37? o.O

Imagen de NauTiluS1

Sorry man, this is Spanish...

Sorry man, this is Spanish...

I know, but I thought it

I know, but I thought it would intereset some spnish guys Todo bien


How to get my app on the main site for download?

on the psp scenebeta server?



If you want to upload your

If you want to upload your APP you need the coder flag, you have to win your flag making APP's or games. I think you should put this topic in the Non Spanish Speakers forum.

Thanks for the APP.

We're off now to seek all our fortunes to the land... of... our dreams

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