sera verdad esto yo no lo he traducido pero esta bacano este diseno :)

Sony scouting a tester for unreleased new product?

Posted By:daniel

While the rumors of a PSP2 and PSP Phone have calmed down of late, they're never truly dead. According to a fluent Japanese speaker translating a Sony Japan job listing for GameSpot, the company is on the hunt for an "evaluator / assessor for a new game machine." More specifically, that elusive machine is said to be a "part of the PlayStation or PSP series and their peripherals." The listing goes on to state that the lucky winner will "be part of an advisory staff that will play PlayStation series software on this new machine and check its functionality," and they'll also be able to "test game machines not yet released or new functionality of PS3 peripherals before they are released." From there, it's up to your imagination to determine what exactly this could be alluding to, but we're setting our expectations remarkably low as to not be disappointed.Surprised


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que gran FAKE.

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Horrible. sacar una portatil con esas cartaerísticas sería dar un paso atras en las generaciones

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