I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. I was just wondering if anyone knew if there was a DUAL eLoader available that would allow you to switch between different versions. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction???
Oh and would just like to say Well Done on a well thought out website . You've done the PSP owners of your country proud.
Regards, Being Ernest.
PSP with 2.1 and 2.5 firmware.
Games:- GTA LCS & Spiderman 2 : Movies:- Donnie Darko, SAW II
Memory Sticks:- 32x2, 64x4, 512x1, 2GBx1
Nice For you men
Here you can see that in this website you can recieve help in your language.... This is the best of this web, it doesn't matter if you are from a big or small country or if you talk other languages, the point is that we help anyone who has a problem... that's why this comunity has grown up....
You can also use the WAB Version Changer or the PSPSET, but only if your firmware is 1.5
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Aportando UN GRANITO de arena a la web que me ha dado el CASTILLO.................... Gracias BETA por existir......................
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Aportando UN GRANITO de arena a la web que me ha dado el CASTILLO.................... Gracias BETA por existir......................
i think you are taking about the launcher that unicorn mention (i dont know how to write it xD!) but also if you have a psp 2.xx, with the new mod chip you can have 2 firmware version, the last one and the 1.5, i know that is expensive, and sony will make a way to patch it, but is our last hope =D
PSP Frimware 2.71
Sandisk MemStick Pro Duo 512 Mb
Sony Memory Stick Duo 32 Mb
UMDs: GTA LCS, Burnout Legends, THUG2: Remix
so its true i couldnt believe it but now im shure.there are many peolpe seeking us from the outside umm excelent first spain then the world mwa ha ha ha beta is the best
T_T (o_O') en spanish?
T_T (o_O') en spanish?
in spanish please que no entiendo un caprajo
psp fw 2.70
juegos:atv off road,gta liberty city
there is something similar to that "dual boot" you're talking about...If u own a PSP with 1.5 firmware, you can use DeviceHook in order to use 2.5 firmware whenever u want. And when you switch off your PSP, you will return to 1.5 firmware.
If you use Fanjita's eLoader because you have 2.xx firmware...just forget it. There's nothing at all.
I supose that this is what you have been looking for. And...thank you very much for your words
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Nice English, Uni
Nice English, Uni
mmmm, i think
that is a wrong information, i dont know about a dual loader that you can switch versions, but, maybe im wrong too, i dont know so much about the version of psp
note: sorry for my little bad english XD...