Narutos Way, LuaHider and LuaTool are now Opensource!!!


The User[u][b] Shaplayer[/b][/u] has annonced that he gonna make the following 3 HBs OPENSOURCE!
This means that you can take those HBs,edit them an release them as your work,so there is no need to give Credits!

[color=#32CD32][b]Narutos Way BETA 1[/b][/color]:
Narutos Way is a HB in which you are Naruto in a Car and try to collect some Rasengans while Sasuke and Kakashi try to beat you up!



[color=#32CD32][b]LuaHider v0.1[/b][/color]:
The LuaHider allow you to Hide your THinga!



[color=#32CD32][b]Lua-Tool v0.2[/b][/color]:
The Lua-Tool blablablabla you know......................



[b]All HBs are OPENSOURCE(ignor the README...),so you can edit them and release them as your work![/b][/color][/size]





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Imagen de Chimecho


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PSP FAT [5.00 M33-6] [6.60 ME] [Hard Moded] / Nintendo Wii [4.1U] [cIOS Hermes] [D2X cIOS] / iPhone 3G [4.2.1] [BB 05.13.04] [redsn0w] / iPod Touch 4 [6.1] [evasi0n]

07/05/10: Tuve el placer de llamarle con todo derecho "N00B" a molotovi xDDD

Recuerda: Sé el intérprete -_-

Thanks.....but i think its

Thanks.....but i think its enough if you guys klick on the Link(in my second post) ...there are all infos :DD


can somebody edit my post,to make the Links and the Pics look like her ?:

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