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firmware 3.10

esto lo e visto en la pag de lo pongo tal y como viene:

PSP Firmware 3.10 News update and information
Posted Jan 30, 2007 at 05:32AM by Pranav T

Listed in: PSP
Tags: Sony, Hex, Dark_AleX, TA-082, Mathieulh Update: I had a talk to Mathieulh and it seems that our post had a couple of errors. The updater can be run from FW 1.50, as opposed to what we said earlier. Apologies for the confusion from our side.

After the confusion of the 3.10 update, I think we've got most of the info and are ready to clear the confusion. Firstly, blame some guy called thedevil_666 who uploaded a modified 3.03 firmware update on rapidshare for half of the confusion. Dark_AleX modified the decrypter to decrypt the firmware, the fake one, not knowing its authenticity. This gave everyone the impression that the new firmware was a mistake by Sony, seeing how most of the files seemed to be the 3.03 versions.

In the meanwhile, bgmnt on MaxConsole opened the updater in a hex editor and noticed something strange...The fake updater actually had a .jpg image of the Earth injected into it. Yeah, you read that right. Stupid.

Anyways, the real 3.10 update is also out and here's what has changed:

I've also received word that US residents should be able to get it via the Network Update function, however the Sony updates site hasn't been updated yet. The real changes in the firmware appear to be quite deep though. In the last couple of hours, people have tried decrypting the firmware and have failed. Ordinary behavior really, you wouldn't expect a new firmware to be decryptable from the get-go.

The other thing which caught my eye is that Sony could have modified the updater to write the firmware differently. Again, it might just be speculation since we haven't really been able to look at the innards of the updater.

At this point, I would recommend all of you to stay away from this update. We can expect some magic from Team C+D soon, so until then, it would be safe to wait and watch, seeing how ALL of you should be on downgradeable firmwares right now. Anyways, if anyone wants to tinker around with the update, they can download it from below. Also, thanks to Mathieulh for some corrections, and sincere apologies for a few errors in the post.

Download Link: [PSP Firmware 3.10 [US] Update]

no se seguro lo ke es si alguien lo pudiera traducir pero me suena rara ke salten de 303 a 310,

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Imagen de ViZarD63


pues esa es la nueva version que sony ha lanzado y si se salto de la 3.03 a la 3.10 pero es normal jeje al igual que se ha saltado de la 1.52 a la 2.0 siempre se salta.


Imagen de dextroil

me fue de un pelo..

que bastar***. qando mentere k salio el downgrade pa la 2.81 y que funcionaba con un bug dela 3.03 dije perfect, aora mismo actualiso.. me bajo la actualisasion y me sale la 3.10 y io
..juer que raro no me sonaba para nada ese firmware que apunto estuve

soy un puto.. ago lo k kiero..

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