I recently buyed a PSP but it doesn´t turn on with battery, only with charger.

I was in a plane, obviusly playing with my psp when it turn off, i thought that i used all the battery. When i got home I "charged" the console, I waited 2 hours, I take out the charger and my console doesn´t turn on, i reconnected the charger and the console turn on, when I turned on the console the led of power was orange, no green, and i really want to play with battery, How can i fix it? 


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Imagen de Juanolo

Try this.

In case the battery does not show charging or does not take charge.

1-. Clean the terminals of the PSP where the battery enters.

2-. Connect the psp with the charger and turn it on.

3-. Insert the battery and leave it charging for a few minutes.

*4-. In case it does not work, you will have to try another battery to rule out the power stage between the battery and the motherboard.

Try with another battery

Try with another battery

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