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Ms de 8gb

bueno se dice que en febrero sale la nueva ms de 8gb con un valor aproximado de 300 dolares esperemos que ya llegue aqui ya que estamos anciosos de tenerla aqui les dejo la noticia, copio y pego.

Cliche it may be, but great things do come in small packages. At the on-going Consumers Electronic Show in Vegas, Sony just announced its latest memory stick product - the 8GB Memory Stick PRO Duo. Yep, you read that right. Eight giga-whew-bytes. More room for 'brew, emulators, music, etc.

Aside from coming in with an adapter for devices with a standard-size memory stick media slot, it is also armed with MagicGate copy protection technology. Well, to keep this simpler, here are the specs of the said memory stick:

8GB MSX-M8GS Memory Stick model
Weighing in at just two grams
0.79-inches wide and 1.22-inches long
Sporting the ten-pin Serial Memory Stick interface
1,500 images in 10-megapixel, fine mode
More than 18 hours of video at 768Kb per seconds in MPEG4 compression
Can hold a collection about 2,000 songs in the MP3 format at 128 kbps with an average of four minutes per song
8GB Memory Stick PRO Duo will become available beginning February for US$ 300. It can be purchased from Sony Style (both online and retail stores) as well as authorized dealers in all states. Well, like we said, good things come in small packages, only they also usually come with a heavy pricetag.


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